South Australia Launches 2023 Citrus Season

Friday 26 May 2023
A celebratory event at Adelaide Central Markets today will officially launch the 2023 SA grown citrus season as fresh produce shelves across the State begin to fill with new season shades of orange from the Riverland.
Minister Nick Champion, Minister for Trade and Investment, will be in attendance to cut the red ribbon to officially launch the 2023 SA grown citrus season at the 1pm event today.
The season has kicked off with great coloured navel oranges coming in from the Riverland along with new season South Australian Imperial Mandarins.
South Australian Produce Market CEO, Angelo Demasi, said “It is always great to see a new variety of locally grown fruit coming into the wholesale market as it signifies a change of season and a new line of local produce for consumers to enjoy.”
“Citrus has a gross revenue value of some $388 million per annum in South Australia. The industry is a major contributor to the local economy with an expected growth target of $474 million by the year 2030.” Mr Demasi said.
Weather conditions during the growing period have resulted in a delayed start that has followed with brightly coloured fruit which, according to growers, translates to flavour.
Citrus SA Chair, Mark Doecke, said “South Australian citrus is now available and starting to come into good supply with the first of the season navel oranges and imperial mandarins being picked.
New this season being grown in South Australia are the Ippolito Blood Oranges with that subtle blood flavour and sweeter aftertaste.”
Minister for Trade and Investment Nick Champion said “We know the quality of our State’s citrus is world-class and makes it highly sought after around the globe.
South Australian exports of oranges, tangerines, and mandarins – as well as lemons, limes and grapefruit – are worth tens of millions of dollars, with citrus fruit putting South Australia on the map in Asia with Japan, China and South Korea the State’s biggest three markets.
This demand highlights the vital role that citrus has in driving employment, particularly in our regions.
While this year’s strong season is promising news for South Australian producers, we know how tough it’s been for those affected by floods in the Riverland.
Our Government, through the Department for Trade and Investment, is working closely with Riverland producers to give them the support they need.
I encourage shoppers to ‘pick a local’ citrus fruit and keep growing an industry which sets the global standard in quality and taste.”
Penny Reidy, Pick a Local, Pick SA! Campaign Manager said, “A great way for the community to support our SA citrus growers is through the simple act of purchasing citrus when they can this season. Filled with Vitamin C citrus provide a great immunity boost during winter, oranges play a key role in half time energy boosts for kids winter sports and mandarins are a great addition to a lunchbox for school or work.”
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